FULL STORY:  Does 60 degrees in fall somehow feel colder to you than the same temperature in spring?  Someone asked weather experts, what’s up with that?  Here are four reasons 60 might feel like t-shirt weather in April, but sweater weather in November . . .

1.  The humidity level.  It tends to be higher in spring.  When the humidity level is high, it tends to feel warmer.

2.  The ground is colder.  The air temperature might be 60, but how cold the ground is matters too.  If you’re talking about a 60-degree day on May 7th vs. November 7th, the temperature of the ground is a lot colder in November.

3.  The wind.  Fall tends to be windier.  So it might be 60 degrees, but not when you factor in the wind chill.

4.  You’re used to the previous season.  Our bodies take time to acclimate.  So, 60 degrees can feel balmy if it was 30 degrees a few weeks ago.  But it can feel pretty chilly if you’re coming off a recent warm spell. 

(Reader’s Digest)



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