FULL STORY:  A new poll asked 2,000 Americans to name the top “simple joys” in life.  Hopefully you ticked #1 off your list over the weekend.  And WE might be able to help with #6 . . .

1.  Waking up after a good night’s sleep.

2.  Catching up with an old friend or loved one.

3.  A cup of coffee.

4.  Watching your favorite show.

5.  Just the SMELL of freshly brewed coffee.

6.  Hearing your favorite song on the RADIO.

7.  The smell of freshly baked cookies.

8.  Having someone tell you they were thinking about you.

9.  Waking up to the sun shining.

10.  The sound of rain while you’re inside, safe and warm.

A few more that made the Top 20:  Running into a friend . . . cuddling with your pet . . . receiving a compliment . . . and GIVING a compliment.

Receiving one barely beat giving one by a single percentage point. 

(Talker News)



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