FULL STORY:  The official Scrabble dictionary is adding a bunch of new words . . . or, ONE of the “official” dictionaries is.  Did you know there’s more than one? 

Most Americans use the Merriam-Webster version.  But Collins Dictionary has one that’s used by most other English-speaking countries.  Some international competitions combine them.

Collins just announced they’re adding 2,000 new words . . . including a bunch of Gen Z slang.  They’ll all be playable words starting January 1st, 2025.

It’s not clear how many are being added to the Merriam-Webster version, so play your words accordingly.  But here are some of the new words Collins is adding.

1.  Yeet . . . meaning “to throw,” but also used to express excitement.

2.  Bacne . . . short for back acne.

3.  Boujee . . . fancy or luxurious.  They added multiple spellings.

4.  Floof . . . slang for any furry animal.

5.  Nibling . . . a gender-neutral term for a niece or nephew.

6.  Amirite . . . a one-word slang version of “am I right.”  (That one’s actually in the Merriam-Webster version already.)

7.  Stan . . . to obsess over someone who’s famous.  (Also allowed by Merriam-Webster.)

8.  Anyhoo . . . slang for “anyhow” or “anyway.”

9.  Coulda . . . short for “could have.”

10.  Grammable . . . something worthy of being posted on Instagram. 

(Collins Dictionary / NY Post / The Bookseller)



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