FULL STORY: Have you ever come out of a grueling study session or a marathon work meeting and felt like your brain was THROBBING?  It could be those martinis from the night before . . . or it could be all the THINKING.

According to new scientific research, it really does HURT to think . . . but not exactly in the way you’d expect.

The study’s senior author puts it like this . . . “In general, people really dislike mental effort.”  The harder people have to think, the more unpleasant they find the experience.  So thinking “hurts,” because it’s so uncomfortable.

The GOOD news is that we’re all in the same boat.  The negative feelings associated with mental effort affect people throughout the world . . . across work experience . . . education level . . . and various types of tasks.

That said, the study was based on self-reporting from the participants, and only DURING the tasks.  So, there’s no physical hurt other than unpleasant feeling . . . and there’s often a reward . . . putting in the work now, leads growth, achievement, and the sweet satisfaction of conquering it. 

(Study Finds)



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