Here are a few more Good News stories making the rounds . . .

1.  Britain’s “Daily Mail” is suggesting that we might be on the verge of a cancer vaccine for people fighting colon and pancreatic cancers.

In human testing, the vaccine showed the potential to lower the risk of relapse in 100% of patients who had surgery to remove their tumors . . . but “still had cancer markers in their blood.”  At the start of the trial, nearly all the patients showed signs of their cancer returning.  This would be HUGE.

Colon cancer is expected to be the #1 cause of cancer deaths by 2030, and pancreatic cancer’s survival rate after five years is just 12.5%.

2.  A 14-year-old teenager in Texas has graduated high school, and is headed to the University of Texas at Arlington.  Her name is Oforitsenere Bodunrin, and she entered high school at age 10.

She plans to study computer science and aviation.

It sounds like her family is doing SOMETHING right.  Her sister also graduated high school at age 14.  (Here is a local news story on Oforitsenere.)

3.  Almost the entire town of Dupont, Pennsylvania came outside to witness the final walk of a local dog named Mellow, who was recently diagnosed with a fast-spreading lymphoma.

Mellow’s owner put notes in people’s mailboxes to spread the word about the dog’s last walk . . . and it was a success.

One neighbor said, “There were at least 25 people [on the first block].  When I looked to the next block, there was another 20.  I’m going to say that was how the whole walk went.”

(Here’s Mellow’s owner talking about the walk.)


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