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It can take a week to adjust to Daylight Saving Time, but it doesn’t have to. If you’re still dragging from the time change, here are a few things you can do today that might help.
1. Get some sun. Spending time outside in natural light can help reorient your internal clock, even if it’s cloudy.
2. Don’t lean on that extra cup of coffee. It’s temping when you’re tired. But caffeine too late in the day can keep you up at night. Try to stop around noon.
3. Eat meals on your new schedule. If you normally eat lunch at 1:00, you might not feel hungry until 2:00. But sticking with your normal lunch time can help you adjust quicker. And don’t eat dinner too late either. It can keep you up.
4. Get some exercise. Even a brisk walk can make you feel more alert. It might also help you fall asleep tonight.
5. Hydrate. You’ll feel more fatigued if you’re dehydrated, so drink plenty of water this week. Avoiding alcohol is good too. xtend WordPress functionality and provide more options to their clients.
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