Here are some random facts for you . . .

1.  Franklin is the most common city name.  There are 28 of them in America.  Clinton, Madison, and Washington are tied for second (27 each) . . . and Chester, Greenville, Marion, and Springfield at third (25).

2.  There’s no documented case in history of a pirate making a treasure map.

3.  Calling someone a chicken doesn’t make sense . . . chickens are actually braver than other birds.

4.  The voice of Siri comes from a voiceover artist named Susan Bennett.  She was hired to record a bunch of phrases and sentences by a software company in 2005.  And Apple eventually bought both the software and the recordings.

5.  From 1891 to 1911, Pittsburgh was spelled without an “H” at the end . . . because the U.S. Board on Geographic Names thought it was confusing.

(USPS / Wikipedia / Daily Mail / Wikipedia / Wikipedia)

Originally posted on June 9th, 2023


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