It’s only déjà vu if you REMEMBER it, right? Some idiot in Olympia, Washington got two DUIs in two nights . . . after crashing his car in the same spot TWICE.
A woman called 911 last Sunday at 9:47 P.M. after the guy crashed into her parked car. She said he seemed drunk, and he was. A breathalyzer clocked him at 0.31, almost four times the legal limit.
Cops arrested him and released him the next day. Then a few hours later, he did it again in the same spot . . . at the exact same TIME.
Cops were dispatched to the same intersection at 9:47 P.M. again. The only difference was he didn’t hit a car this time. He crashed into a tree stump in someone’s yard. The same two cops arrested him after he blew a 0.3.
The judge upped his bail to $50,000, and the sheriff posted about it on Facebook. He said he’s not sure duplicate crimes like that have “ever happened in the history of modern policing.”
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