FULL STORY:  Here’s an important tip with school starting back up.  You know those stop signs that stick out from the side of school buses?  Fun fact:  Those mean you’re supposed to STOP.

Officials in Tampa, Florida had to remind drivers to stop if they see a school bus with its sign extended.  That means no matter which way you’re coming from.

Don’t pass if you’re behind the bus, and don’t blow past it if you’re coming from the other direction either.  It’s a safety thing to let you know kids are crossing.

A lot of buses have cameras on board now that scan license plates to catch people doing it.  So, if making sure you don’t MAIM A CHILD isn’t incentive enough, you could also get fined.

The officials in Tampa announced that in the span of just four days this month, 2,391 drivers ignored those stop signs and passed school buses anyway.

They’re doing a grace period until September 12th, so those people will only get warnings for now.  But after that, it’s an automatic $225 ticket. 

(Fox 13)



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