FULL STORY:  It would take me 12 more years of school to learn how to sing this differently . . .

Have you heard the “new” version of the alphabet song that’s going viral?  It’s not actually BRAND new.  More and more schools have switched to it over the past decade.  But if you don’t have young kids, you might not know.

It’s still sung to the tune of “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”.  But the pauses are in different spots because the old way was too confusing.  

Saying “Y and Z” at the end apparently left some kids thinking there was an “N” in there, and the alphabet had two N’s.  Some also got confused by “L-M-N-O-P”, and thought it was all one letter.  (???)

The new way pauses after the letter “N”.  Then it’s “O-P-Q” . . . “R-S-T” . . . “U-V-W” . . . “X-Y-Z”.

It’s all over social media after an elementary school teacher talked about it.  She said her school switched to the new version a couple years ago.  And just to really stick it to us old people, they also changed the end. 

We used to button it up with, “Now I know my A-B-C’s.  Next time won’t you sing with me.”  The new version is, “Now I never will forget, how to say the alphabet.”

Some people think changing the song was a good call, while others think it’s ridiculous.  We all learned to read just fine, right?

Some people see both sides though.  Like one person who wrote, “It’s better.  I hate it.” 

(ABC News

(Here’s the video.)



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