File this under “some people just can’t be helped” . . .
A 29-year-old guy in Vancouver, British Columbia got sloppy drunk at a wedding on Saturday, and people took his keys away to stop him from driving drunk. This was around 1:45 in the morning.
He wasn’t happy about it and started a fight. Then cops showed up, arrested him for breach of peace, and drove him home to sleep it off.
But instead of just passing out like he should have, he decided to call an Uber . . . went back to the wedding to get his car . . . and drove drunk anyway. (???)
He sped by a POLICE STATION at 3:50 A.M. going twice the speed limit. They clocked him at 76 in a 30. (Or technically, 123 kilometers per hour in a 50.)
They arrested him again and tossed him in jail to sober up. He’s facing drunk driving charges and lost his license for at least three months.
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