An Amazon driver has turned himself in, after he was caught on video RUNNING OVER a pedestrian at an intersection in Baltimore . . . and then just driving off.
It happened on Tuesday evening. In the video, you can see an Amazon van waiting at a stoplight. The light turns green, and it drives forward . . . but there’s a woman crossing the street in front of the van.
The van hits the woman . . . drags her . . . and continues to DRIVE OVER HER.
The driver gets out to check on her. But after 30 seconds . . . while she’s screaming and crying . . . he gets back in the Amazon van and continues on.
Several Good Samaritans rush over to help her. The good news is, she was taken to the hospital, with “non-life-threatening injuries.” Reports say she’s 29, and she’s “going to be okay.”
Amazon says they’re supporting law enforcement, and the driver “is no longer delivering to Amazon customers.”
The police are still investigating, but there are a few things to note:
It looks like the woman was in the intersection despite having a “Don’t Walk” signal. It’s unclear what happened there.
It also looks like the Amazon driver may have been stopped INSIDE the pedestrian walkway. If he didn’t see the woman, the fact that he was blocking the crosswalk could be one reason why.
We don’t know why the driver left the scene. People are talking about how Amazon is very strict with drivers making their deadlines . . . but this is extreme. It’s possible he was shocked and scared, and made a VERY bad decision.
The driver, 26-year-old Jerome Young, is facing charges of negligent and reckless driving.
(Here’s the UNCENSORED video surveillance footage of the accident, but be warned: It’s graphic, and very disturbing.)
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