FULL STORY:  In-N-Out drive-thrus always have theme-park-level lines, which makes this even better . . .

Two guys were at an In-N-Out in California when another car zipped in and cut in line.  And footage of what happened next is going viral because of how they handled it.

They waited until the car that cut them off got up to the drive-thru window.  Then one of them walked up . . . and told the cashier they wanted to pay for all the cars BEHIND them in line.  So the line-cutter was the only one who didn’t get in on it.

They were in a tricked-out Mercedes and obviously have money.  It looks like the driver owns a few businesses.

It’s not clear how many cars they paid for, but it sounds like they spent a few hundred dollars.  The larger point was their random act of kindness doubled as sweet revenge.

In the video comments, the guy said paying for people at drive-thrus is something he does a lot.  The difference this time was he and his friend made sure the line-cutter saw them do it.

They noticed he parked outside to eat, so they took it a step further and parked right next to him.  But he immediately backed his car out and took off.  




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