This might seem high:  According to a poll, 33% of Americans have a partner who has admitted to cheating in the past . . . and 14% say they “always cheat,” “often cheat,” or “sometimes cheat.”

But this is NOT cheating in the relationship . . . it’s cheating at poker, “Monopoly”, and “Mario Kart”.

The poll asked, “How often do you cheat when you recreationally play games . . . board games, card games, or video games?”

51% said “never.”

19% said “rarely.”

9% said “sometimes.”

3% said “often.”

2% said “always.”

13% said they “never play games.”

And 3% said they “prefer not to say.”  (Well, add that to “always.”  No one would say this in an anonymous poll if they DIDN’T cheat.)

If you break it down, men are more likely to cheat at games than women . . . people from the coasts are more likely to cheat than people from the Midwest . . . and younger people are more likely to cheat than older folks.

In fact, they polled more than 6,000 people . . . and 0% of seniors say they “always” cheat, just 1% said they “often” do, and only 2% said they “sometimes” do.

Often times people cheat because they WANT TO WIN.

12% of people say they care a LOT about winning casual games.  30% care “a fair amount” about winning . . . 32% of people care “a little” . . . and 17% of people claim they don’t care at all about winning games.



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