FULL STORY:  The world has changed a lot since 2000 . . . when everyone thought Y2K would cause computers to end humanity as we know it.  Now, we know it’s A.I. that will cause computers to end humanity as we know it.  

Someone on X posed this question to the internet:  “People born before 2000, what trivial skill do you have that no one uses anymore?”  It went viral, and here are the best responses:

1.  The ability to rewind a cassette tape using a pencil.

2.  Proper grammar and punctuation.

3.  How to write in cursive.  Someone joked, “I can drive stick shift, while also writing in cursive.”

4.  How to use a rotary phone.  Someone said, “Not just dialing a rotary phone, but dialing it aggressively.”

5.  How to write a complete website using only HTML.  

6.  How to fix CDs that skip.

7.  How to get a game cartridge to work by blowing inside of it.

8.  How to refold a paper map.

9.  Knowing how to load a roll of film into a camera.  And also knowing how to make audio and film edits by physically cutting and splicing the tape.

10.  Being able to parallel park without a backup camera.

11.  Knowing “shorthand” for taking dictation.

12.  Programming a VCR.

13.  Someone said, “I can make book shelves out of cinder blocks and boards.”  

14.  Being able to survive the “Oregon Trail.”

15.  Using the word “literally” correctly.




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