FULL STORY:  You’ve probably heard stories about pre-teens somehow managing to take cars out for a “joy ride” down the street.  Well, this girl is putting ALL OF THEM to shame.

An eight-year-old girl in Ohio was reported missing on Sunday morning, when her parents hadn’t seen her in a couple hours.  Turns out, she was BUSY.

Security footage showed that the girl got in the family’s SUV, and drove off.  Authorities found her about 12 MILES away, which would’ve been at least a 20-minute drive across multiple highways and surface streets.

She was found at a Starbucks inside a Target, where she had ordered a Frappuccino. 

But that isn’t all.  She also had more than $400 in cash, and had spent some of that at Target.  The cops had the store refund her for those purchases, and they haven’t said what she bought.

There are a LOT of questions that don’t have answers:  Like why the Starbucks barista and Target clerk let an eight-year-old girl order stuff alone, without any obvious guardians around.

And also how the girl was able to navigate to the Target.  Just PARKING at a Target can be a pain for grown adults.

Thankfully no one was hurt.  But the girl did fess up to hitting a MAILBOX somewhere along her journey.  The girl is too young to be charged criminally, and her parents haven’t commented.

(ABC News / Bedford Police)

(Here’s a local news report on this, which includes the map showing how far she’d driven.)



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