FULL STORY:  If there ever was a time when kids suddenly became an adult at 18 . . . that’s no longer the case.  Even most 18-year-olds would agree.  So when does life GET REAL?

A study of four generations . . . Boomers, Gen X, Millennials, and Gen Z . . . found that in their experience, adulthood actually starts at the age of 27.

You’re paying all of your own bills . . . you’re financially independent . . . and you’re putting responsibilities over “having fun.”

So you’re paying your own insurance, you’re not on your parents’ family plans, you’re laying the groundwork to support yourself and your family into the future, you can be trusted with a credit card, and you know how to do laundry.

Older folks sometimes poke fun at younger generations for struggling with “adulting,” but 42% of people across all the generations say they found that being an adult is harder than they expected it to be.

And 71% of Americans surveyed believe that being an adult is harder TODAY than it was even 10 years ago. 




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