FULL STORY:  Companies are so passive aggressive now.  If you’re gonna can me, at least have the courtesy to look me in the eye and tell me I suck . . .

A poll by the site Resume Builder found 38% of companies lay people off instead of firing them . . . just to avoid hurting people’s FEELINGS.

80% of bosses said their company has laid someone off in the past year when they could have fired them for cause.

Sometimes it’s out of kindness, like to avoid hurt feelings or help out with severance.  But the #1 reason they do it is more self-serving . . . to avoid a MUTINY.

Here are the top four reasons companies do it . . .

1.  To maintain company morale.  62% of bosses cited it as a reason.  So, we react better if we think our friend got laid off because the money just wasn’t there.

2.  To avoid wrongful termination lawsuits.  A close second at 59%.

3.  To help the person out with a severance package, 54%.  So, that one’s nice.

4.  To avoid hurting their feelings, 38%.  The old line, “You know I think you’re great.  Corporate just gave me no choice.”

According to the poll, layoffs that aren’t REALLY layoffs are more common than you’d think.  Half of the bosses polled said at least 75% of layoffs their company made in the past year weren’t really about cutting costs.

(Resume Builder)



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