FULL STORY:  You can supposedly add YEARS to your life by:  Being more active and exercising . . . eating healthier . . . cutting back on drinking . . . quitting smoking . . . and now there’s a new one:  Being MORE ATTRACTIVE. 

There’s a new study out on longevity and facial attractiveness . . . and, it’s not exactly great news for some of us.

Researchers looked at yearbook photos from 1957 . . . and had “independent arbiters” rate their attractiveness.  They included more than 8,000 people . . . all from Wisconsin.  

Then they looked at how and when those people passed away . . . or, if they’re still living, how healthy they are in old age.  They’d be in their 80s now.

They found that “ugly” men live nearly a year less on average than men who were considered good-looking.  And unattractive women live two years less than women who are more blessed in the looks department.

The study admits that we don’t know much about the connection between attractiveness and longevity.  There COULD be direct scientific and genetic explanations . . . but it also could be societal prejudice or “pretty privilege.”

That’s the idea that attractive people are treated better in day-to-day life, and preferential treatment gives them boosts along the way that improve their health and quality of life.

One economist argues, quote, “Over time, if people didn’t pay as much attention to looks in daily life, I’m quite sure that 100 years from now we wouldn’t see these differences in longevity.” 

(Daily Mail)



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