By now, we’ve all figured out that EVERYONE has a “unique” way of doing SOMETHING . . . whether they realize it or not.  But how many ways are there to brush your teeth?

A random poll asked people “Where do you brush your teeth?”

Not surprisingly, 71% of people say they stand at the sink in front of a mirror.  That’s the CORRECT answer, by the way.

20% of people say they “walk around the house.”  (Walking around the bathroom is potentially messy enough . . . but around the WHOLE house?)

3% of people say they “sit somewhere.”

And an additional 3% say they “sit on the toilet.”  (???)

Brushing IN THE SHOWER wasn’t an option.  It’s not everyone’s cup of tea . . . but if you’re looking to multitask, it definitely beats brushing while on the toilet.  And it’s a lot less messy than trying to brush while “walking around.”




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