FULL STORY:  Yes, it’s that time of the year . . . again.  Daylight Saving Time ends early Sunday morning, when 2:00 A.M. becomes 1:00 A.M.

In a new poll, 28% of people said they are NOT looking forward to it . . . even though we’re “gaining” an hour.

41% of people said they “don’t really care” about it either way.

But 23% of people said they’re LOOKING FORWARD TO IT.  Which goes to show some people LIKE the darker evenings of fall and winter.  

Still, 63% of people said they’d like to see the clock-changing twice a year abolished . . . and only 17% said they like it, and would NOT be in favor of a change.  20% of people don’t care.  

41% of people said the federal government should just decide on a plan and have everyone do the same thing . . . even if it’s sticking to the status quo.

But 35% of people think individual states should be able to choose what they want to do, whether that’s changing clocks . . . not changing clocks . . . and if not, which time they lock into:  Daylight Saving or Standard Time.




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